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home Opleidingen Bijscholing EHBO - First Aid - refresh - Engelstalig

Bijscholing EHBO - First Aid - refresh - Engelstalig

This (legally recognised) training prepares people to apply and coordinate first aid in the most efficient way within a company or organisation.

In this training

  • The preventive role of a company emergency worker
  • The importance of safety, cooperation and coordination
  • The four steps of first aid
  • The basic techniques of first aid
  • Disorders of consciousness
    • Faintness, epilepsy, diabetes, stroke
  • Respiratory disorders
    • choking, hyperventilation, asthma
  • Circulatory disorders
    • heart attack and shock
  • Basic resuscitation techniques + use of AED
  • Other disorders


Our training courses are known for a very hands-on, fun and realistic approach!

People learn to render assistance in realistic situations.


  • The student will be able to contribute to the policy on first aid within the organisation
  • The student will help ensure safe conditions
  • The student can correctly assess a situation
  • The student can correctly coordinate a situation
  • The trainee can alarm in an efficient way
  • The student can provide assistance in various situations
  • The student has the confidence to dare to act

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