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Bespreekbaar maken van stress
home Opleidingen Recognizing excessive stress and burnout
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Live webinar


Ann-Sophie, Sofie, Manon


Half a day



Diverse sectorfondsen

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on request

Recognizing excessive stress and burnout

This session focuses on recognizing stress, excessive stress and burnout. What kinds of signals exist, and how can you detect them as quickly as possible Recognizing stress signals quickly prevents a worse impact, both for the individual, the team and the organization. Recognizing these signals is a skill that you can learn in this session, and whose knowledge and insights you can apply on a daily basis.

This session is open to both employees and executives. The ideal situation is that the group consists of the same target group, either employees or executives.

In this training:

  • Stresscontinuum
  • Facts and figures
  • Health risks of stress
  • Explanatory models of excessive stress and burnout
  • recognizing excessive stress signals
  • practical tools


  • Substantiated theory
  • On the basis of excercises
  • Tailored to the target group
  • Respect for each others boundaries


  • Participant knows the difference between healthy and unhealthy stress
  • Participant can recognise stress signals
  • Participant is familiar with and can recognise the process from stress to persistent stress and burnout
  • Participant can notice and identify signals of stress
  • Participant can notice and identify signals of burnout
  • Participant is familiar with the causes of excessive stress and burnout
  • Participant is aware of the consequences of excessive stress
  • Participant can identify the position of someone in the continuum from stress to burnout
  • Participant knows that burnout is an energy disorder
  • Participant can start a conversation with a colleague they are concerned about

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